12 days late bfn

I know the reasons why a period could be late. I've looked into all of them and none of them match my situation. I had spotting for 3 days at 9-11dpo but that's too early and too light for it to have been my period. It was barely anything at all! And then my period time came and went and 12 days later I've taken 8 tests and they're all negative and I've taken them at all different times throughout the day. I don't have a thyroid problem. I haven changed my schedule, diet or exercise. I lost weight but not enough for it to effect my period (4lbs. I've lost more and it had 0 effect on my cycle) I don't have a hormone imbalance. Or any stress what soever. Do periods just not come sometimes? How common is it to test negative and be pregnant? If I am pregnant I'd be about 5wks3days maybe 4