Media censoring/watering down content for children.

This is a subject that has angered me for a while, and I don't think it's one that's been discussed often in CC. 
But I cannot stand it when media platforms censor content in order to cater to children. My mine example of this is the X-Men movies and comic, although the comics do better than the movies. If you aren't familiar with the X-Men, they're basically a group of Mutants who fight for the rights of Mutants across the world, alongside the Brotherhood of Mutants. 
The X-Men are heavily influenced by the Civil Right movement and segregation. With key characters being likened to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. The Friends of Humanity purist group are heavily influenced by the KKK. The various visibility of a mutation, and the treatment of those characters is similar to the issue of colourism in society. 
Other social issues such as the AIDS pandemic between male/male partners in the 80s is also covered by the Legacy Virus. Anti-religious beliefs are explored, and it constantly touches basis with genocide. 
My problem is, is that these are huge social issues that I think would be extremely beneficial if they were written extensively. But these issues always appear very watered down, both in the comics and in the movies, but the movies are worst for the censorship. The root of the problem IMO is that the companies are trying to censor their content for younger age groups, because they think that the material is too advanced or sensitive for them to understand. I don't think this is right, I think that children need to be introduced to these problems in society. Or at least, the messages shouldn't be censored to cater to them because older age groups could benefit from the messages too. 
So basically my question is whether you agree with the fact that media platforms should censor their content for possible young viewers, and why. If not, state why also. 
Sorry for the lengthy explanation. You don't have to use X-Men as your example.