I feel like I'm ruined

Ok the title might be a little dramatic but I really do feel that way. I'm never happy anymore.
I can't lose these last 7-8 pounds.. Mainly because I can't find the motivation to eat a healthy, strict diet. 
My boobs will never be the same after I stop nursing. 
And my vagina is ruined. I asked my husband if it felt good when we have sex and he said "it just feels different, but not in a bad way."   I still took offense to that.. I can't help it. 
I feel like I've given up so much. I never have time for myself anymore. I feel gross. 
I co-bathed with my baby and she pooped in the tub. Later that day I took another bath to help unclog a clogged milk duct, and got a vaginal infection because I forgot to clean the poop. 😞 Hasn't my vagina been through enough?! Lol. I am so mad at myself. I'm constantly mad and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it.
Ok I'll stop whining now.