SO happy!

Samantha • •Living in wondrous chaos💞 •Mama to Isaac (8) && Vayda (2)

My hubby layed down on the bed next to me and says "I think it's time to give Isaac a brother or sister", shocked I respond with saying YES!! A million times YES!! It was our plan to ttc #2 this year but not set in stone as to when so we've decided that we're going to try for March doing my first round of Clomid and if it fails we're going to take a small break and get more of our ducks in a row and once May comes we'll pick up where we left off! Sounds good to me! I'm just so excited I had to share it with you ladies! TTC is exciting but stressful (if you make it stressful)!

I have learned after struggling for 3 years before getting pregnant with my son that these things take time and one of the most important things to learn before a baby is patience!! #1 piece of advice I can give to all those ttc #1!! Study lots of patience!

I'll always secretly hope it's going to happen each month we try but I have learned to endure what comes our way. It's not always an easy journey but, its a journey you take together and if you both have each other's shoulders to cry on when things get tough, well, that just makes it all the more special and brings you much closer. :) <3 anyone else have a ttc plan or timeline goals? :)

Love && baby dust to all of you <3