A past relationship (a bit long)

I was in with this man 2 years ago, for a year. He's made his way back into my life and Idk how I feel about it.I'm very comfortable being single, meeting new people, going new places,ect. I did really love him, which is y I'm giving it any thought. I want to start off with the pros.... He's very family oriented, no kids but loves them and wants his own, treated my daughter like a princess. He cooks, cleans, works, protective over us, pays bills, qualities of a great husband. Cons- most of the relationship we fought over him seeking attention from other women. Facebook messaging most of the time and unfortunately still had unresolved feelings for his ex on the east coast(we are west coast).I dont know if he ever physically cheated. Bt that was his problem, disloyal in that sense. Broke up and made up many times, it was a VERY stressful and hurtful relationship to me.I lived with him, sex was not an issue, I never was disloyal or neglecting torwards him so idk what his problem was. Anyways, financial problems happened, he moved to the east coast, he started his bs w/ fb again so I broke up with him. He got back with his ex. That didn't work, he moved back here to my city. He's saying he's sorry and that he's grown and all he wants is me. His good qualities is what I feel is confusing me, I love that. Bt the disloyal attention seeking shit even if it's just messaging is what pisses me off. He would be a great man/husband if he could get that together.What are your thoughts? Would u go back?