7 weeks & bleeding? Please help!

lauraaa • Colby Ray Jase born 10/18/16 @11:57pm - 8lbs7oz, 21 inches long.👶🏻💙 Married to the LOML.💍💋
Hi everyone, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm overreacting I'm just scared & it's my first pregnancy so all of this is new to me.. So I just came up to my room & I thought I had normal discharge come out but it turns out being some blood. I was wondering if anyone has bled at all? I'm 7 weeks & 3 days today.. I just had like dark red/brownish color.. It wasn't a lot but it was some. Like light. Kinda like the beginning of a period or ending. Sorry for the details, I'm just kinda worried/freaking out. Is this normal/healthy? Thank you for your help.