Weird symptoms

So I'm pretty sure that that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I'm going to start my period soon but it's pretty late and I have no one else to ask. I have had horrible shortness of breath for the past few days. I'm not wheezing or anything it just feels like my lungs won't expand to full capacity. It's getting super annoying and now after constantly taking deep breaths that don't seem to be getting me anywhere I feel pain on my back by my shoulder blade. This has happened before and I went to the ER and said its just my asthma and gave me the treatment and I left which by the way did nothing. I think what helped was the steroids that the doctor prescribed me I really don't know. But everyone is convinced that it is just my asthma, to me it really doesn't seem that that is the case. I don't know what it could be but asthma involves wheezing and coughing and attacks. This shortness of breath has been bugging me for days. Any ideas does anyone experience anything similar?