Ex, turned friends w/ benefits, turned best friend

Long story short. My friends say my ex and i make a cute couple. After our break up we are with each other 24/7 basically. We still kiss. Cuddle. Have sex. Share a bed when the other spends the night. And ill pretty much drop everything if he needs me. (Hes kind of depressed) anyways, my gmom even said once all this blows over, to watch him and i will get married one day and they ( my friends) agree because its like we cant be apart. Tonight, after i left his house he texted me you are offically my best friend, no more sex, kissing, cuddling, spending the night... I mean it this time. Youre always here for me when i need you to be no matter how much of an ass i am and no matter how late or early in the morning it is.....and i cant keep hurting you'
Anyways, hes always telling how much i mean to him and how im a big part of his life. And how he still wants me to meet his family (all of them: cousins, both grandparents, cousins, uncles/ aunts) <ive met some already> so they understand how much i mean to him. His family- brothers, parents/ step parent, sister- apparently adore the crap out of me. Even when we broke up and he was acting like a dick his mom texted me 'sorry my sons a dick, we love you.' 
With this little info what yall think? Any opinions are willing to be heard. Cause im like totally confused w/ this new whatever.