Im Late

Danielle • expecting baby #3
I quit using glow for two months and im finally late. But this time is different I am praying for AF to show. This new zika virus is very scary and has made it to indiana. There is no cure or medicine to help get rid of it once you've got it. Knowing that this is all coming from a mosquito bite and it harms unborn children crushes me. I do not want to risk my child's life. I use bug spray but even that isnt 100 percent. I've even advised my friends who are trying to concieve to stop. They didn't even have a clue this virus was going on. They dont watch the news. And I may sound cruel. But how would you feel if you still had to get pregnant and your child was born with an abnormally small head and couldn't function like everyone else. I couldn't live with myself so I have made the decision to stop trying and going back on the pill until they figure out how to stop or fix this. The stories are heart breaking. I dont want that to be my child. I would still love them but knowing I could've prevented it by waiting makes it all the more clear there will be no baby making until this issue is resolved 😢 good luck to all of you newly pregnant woman I will pray for each of you.