Bleeding belly button HELP!

Okay so when I got home last night and was changing into my pajamas, I noticed some blood on my shirt. I quickly realized it was come from my belly button. It wasn't a lot or anything, but enough that it had crusted around the outside (gross I know, sorry). Obviously, my instinct was to shove a qtip in there gently. That how I know the the deep inside is what was/is bleeding. There isn't any smell or anything, I'm certain it's not an infection. It isn't really tender or swollen. Here's where it gets possibly worrisome. I was five days late as of yesterday but had a tiny amount of pink discharge. Today I still have pretty mucousy discharge by it has some blood in it, it's just really thick gloppy stuff. This past July I had a possibly miscarriage (that's our best guess) that resulted in pulmonary embolisms that I just stopped taking blood thinners for. I was reading online that endometriosis could cause belly button bleeding. Has anyone heard of this and or does that seem possible? I'm a little freaked it...