9 days late- provera??

Juli • Ttc #1 since June 2015. Laparoscopy to remove endo in July 2016. After 6 failed IUIs, we are starting ivf in April 2017!
So this is my third cycle of clomid. My first 2 tries my cycles were 27 or 28 days which is what I typically am. This month I'm 9 days late and still getting BFNs, so my doctor prescribed me provera to get my period to come. Without confirming I'm not pregnant first. Is this a normal practice, has anyone had this happen or heard of it?? I'm stressing out because I researched provera and it's a category x drug, so I'm not sure why they wouldn't want to do a blood test before prescribing me unnecessary hormones. I'm pretty pissed about it actually.