My husband lied to me about his sperm test!

Hi everyone I didn't know who to talk to as I don't want to tell friends and family. So my husband when the to take his sperm test in December. When I asked him about it he told me the doctor said he was great! That all his levels are high and that the problem must be with me. So fast forward to today . I go to my OB he says everything looks good but going to go a few test to make sure. My husband and I go to the same medical center and all records are on computers. I told the doctor that my husband had a sperm test done. My OB was able to look it up. And the test was horrible zero sperm ! I am at a complete loss of words. I haven't spoken to my husband yet about it since he at work and going to vote after . He will be home in a few hours . I don't know what to say . I really just want to fly off the walls and yell at him . But I know that's not going to change the problem. Help I need advice!