
So I have an Instagram that I use for my infertility journey and I follow other women's infertility journeys on there also. There was a girl that had been messaging me for a little while now and we had kind of gotten "close" when it came to talking about infertility. I opened up to her and she opened up to me, but I came to find out, she doesn't even struggle with infertility. In fact, this was her third month of TTC and she is pregnant. She announced her pregnancy to me before I found this out, I was super happy for her, thinking that after all of her struggles and tears, she had finally gotten pregnant. I am not any less happy for her now that I know she didn't truly struggle with infertility but I am aggravated that I opened up to this person who has no idea what it even feels like to not be able to get pregnant or keep the baby.. I'm just frustrated and I don't know how to go about this. She messages me EVERYDAY now wanting to talk about her pregnancy, doctors appointments ect, but now I feel like I can't relate with her at all, so it makes talking to her hard for me.. What would you all do? (Please no rude comments, I am not stating I am not happy for her, I am stating that I am upset she had me believing she was going through the same issues I was and let me open up to her)