Baby mama drama!

So I have been having babymama drama. Not only do I have to deal with one but two. First one has 3 kids and second has 1 (well maybe cuz she won't give up dna so we still don't know). First one gave me cap the first 3 years and second one took over and 2 years till now she still gives me crap. Now crazy thing is its not even about her kid it's about how my husband downgraded and ugly I am. Now I know i shouldn't listen but it's easier said than done. Now I need advise I'm really thinking about changing things about myself but I don't know where to start maybe a diet or idk ? I wanna do this so I can feel better and next time she sees me, she has nothing negative to say. First pic is her and second pic is me. Now this girl is about 24 yr old and I'm 32. I'm not even sure how to start to compare but here goes nothing!