
I am 28, and have been married to my husband for nearly 8 years. We have recently decided that we are in fact ready for a baby. We have began trying to conceive. Any tips + information would be greatly appreciated. I do have clear blue ovulation tests. I just finished my period on Friday, Feb 26. Has anyone used clearblue ovulation tests? How soon should I start using the ovulation tests? Also, my period is normally my cycle is 28 days, but then again, there are some months it can be 25-32 days. I do know the average woman ovulates at cycle day 14, but with my period being so unprodictable at times. I am having a difficult time trying to narrow down when I should begin using the ovulation tests... I have had a full body checkup to make sure my reproductive organs are ready to conceive, and they are. Ladies! Any information, tips, would be very helpful.