
Anyone else nesting at 20 weeks?! 😂
I swear that's what it is. I have been cleaning non stop this week. Which is NOT like me at all. 
I'm  caught up on all the laundry. The kids room is clean. My room is clean and completely rearranged. The kitchen is next on my list. Then the bathroom then the living room. Then the baby room. I have already bought a crib. I FIND OUT TOMORROW WHAT COLOR WE ARE PAINTING THE BABY ROOM. 
Now I'm planning on what to get next for baby. I want to have everything ready by the time I'm 8 months so I don't have to do much and expect too much from my husband for the last month. Any tips on what to get? Or what to ask for at baby shower? (Not needing the latest trends. Wanting simple and realistic items)
I'm due 7.14.16 and I'm planning my baby shower for the beginning of May, so I have time to get things set up and ready.Â