Baby times.

Me and my husband are TTC and I was hoping for some advice. I live in America with husband and that's it, we have no family here they are all in Europe and don't visit often, this will be my first baby and while I am very excited about it I can't help but worry I won't know what to do. I looked after my nephew a lot but I mean like the little details, I was wondering if anyone has read any books that are really helpful about the care of newborns? Not like developmental stages etc I mean like a day to day what to do type of book. I know 'children don't come with a manual' but someone must have put something together for people like me who are going in blind with no backup. I love reading and the book can be as in depth and 'wordy' as possible or simple works too, I enjoy a challenge. Sorry for long post and thanks in advance for recommendations :)