Just a normal lady looking for opinions!

So ill keep it short. My lb is 3 & 1/2 years old. We've been ttc since Christmas 2013 & with no success visited the docs last may 2015. Everything was normal ovulation was good sperm count was good but still no bfp! I do ovulation tests every month to really help pin point the day. I am currently on a diet but not overweight just trying to get healthier. I'm just so Confused as to what to do next, do I go back to docs or will they just fob me off saying everything is ok? I can't help but feel really mad & frustrated nothing is happening other than that me & my husband are in a really happy place good jobs nice house cars financially stable I thought once the time was right it would happen there seems like no better time than now. 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩