The sacredness of birthing


I know not everyone in this group is necessarily ttc or pregnant, but... I am. So!

I am curious how you all see sacredness in childbearing and birth. How has this been or will this be honored in your journey, if you have a personal story to share?

For example, I grew up with lots of birth art, fertility and goddess statues, and woman power in my home (my mother is a midwife), so it has been really weird in my first pregnancy to step into a medical model in which pregnancy/birth is a VERY different ball game. I have really had to struggle to protect the spiritual and profoundly mammalian experience that pregnancy is. I've been reading the book Mindful Birthing to help prepare me for labor. I am trying to stay connected to baby and not get sucked into the whirlwind that appears to be "how we baby" in America today.