
So I've posted about a guy I dated Chad and we had been on and off for just about two years, he broke up with me back in August over text because he went through my phone and thought I was cheating on him (I would never.) so then I started hanging out with a family friend of his, Dan, I never had any intentions of EVER dating this guy but it kind of just happened. Me and Dan break up and then I started hanging out with Chad again... I've never missed anyone like I miss him on the daily. Even when I was with Dan, I thought about Chad everyday. He was my best friend and we fought all the time but we were so close and every time we'd break up, I'd be absolutely broken over it and then after weeks, I'd finally start to feel better and he'd text me and we'd go out again and I was even happier. 
So we start hanging out, doing this, kinda back together but not, he'd say he loves me, call me babe, I missed him so much. Then he said all these hateful things that I know we're just from a fit of anger, he has anger issues and I just try not to let the things he says get to me because he is a good person he just has some issues but there's nothing wrong with that, he just needs support. Anyways, then next day he says his grandpa is really sick and won't really make it much longer, then the day after he says he passed away. And his whole family was like a family to me so I was upset too but I just want to be there for him and we hung out a couple days later and I just feel so bad... 
And I just want to talk to him and see him... He was the one to text me again, he wanted it and now I just want to see him and I was trying not to fall for him again and I did. Now all this happened with his family and I can't do anything for him and I just feel like 💩💩💩💩💩💩