Hubby is sick...omg the world has ended!

My husband came home sick with a cold on Friday and my god can I say 'baby' without being a bitch? Yesterday he stayed in bed until after noon only to get up and sit on the recliner for the rest of the day. He did NOTHING. We have a six month old and a farm. I had to do everything. Thank god my mother happened to be here visiting so she helped me with the baby so I could go do the barn work and bring in wood for the stove because he sure as hell wasn't even asking if it needed to be done. Now my question is....who the fack looks after the baby when I'm sick? Who does all the house work when I'm sick? Not him! Why do men get a free pass? It's a cold. Get over it. I know he felt like crap and I understand that. But I'm not here to take care of adult babies. And the fact that he didn't even think that I might have needed an extra hand yesterday, didn't even offer. I just can't get over how a man, a big burly man can be brought down to child status by the common cold. No wonder why women give birth.
2.8k views β€’ 86 upvotes β€’ 66 comments



Posted at
Thought this would make you smile. My husbands the same way!


Moneypenny β€’ Mar 7, 2016


Amie β€’ Mar 6, 2016
Haha I texted it to my hubs


Meech β€’ Mar 6, 2016
OMG...thank you!! I should print if off and stick it on the fridge.


Posted at
That's every man lol


Ritu β€’ May 20, 2016
My husband is a huge baby when sick! I want to shoot myself when he is. Women are stronger


CurlyKeely✨ β€’ Apr 14, 2016
Not mine. ☺️


🌼🌼🌼 β€’ Mar 7, 2016
Haha so true πŸ˜‚ my man gets a cough and it's like he is on his death bed!


Posted at
This is my favorite 


Chancey β€’ Apr 13, 2016


Moneypenny β€’ Mar 7, 2016


Meech β€’ Mar 7, 2016
oooooo I like this one!!!


Posted at
πŸ˜‚ I love this one!!


Meech β€’ Mar 6, 2016


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Moneypenny β€’ Mar 7, 2016


Posted at
Thank God the Hubster pampers me when I'm not feeling well, after reading those comments, I am grateful.


Camille β€’ Mar 7, 2016
@ Sarah...he just may be a Well...thank you!! When he was younger he had cancer, and he parents and siblings took care of him so I'm pretty sure that is where it came from.


Sarah β€’ Mar 7, 2016
Is your husband a unicorn? Jk lol but you are really lucky


Kylea β€’ Mar 6, 2016
Same. I'm pampered when I am sick and he insists to help out with that he can when he's sick.


Posted at
It's a man cold...they're typically much worse on their little feeble man bodies than the colds normal women and children get...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my husband is the same way...I remember my dad being that way too...and my sister in law had to call my mom and just laugh about how my brother was being when they 1st got's all men lol


Sam β€’ Mar 6, 2016
my husband literally said once when he was sick "i dont feel good and you act like it's not the end of the world" mind you I was about 5 months pregnant with our 2nd at the time...I said, well sorry but it isnt.. lol


Posted at
Looking at everyone's comments I feel extremely lucky. My husband is very big that when I'm sick I need to rest. He tries to keep our 4 yr old occupied as to not bother me, cooks and all. I know some of you might say it's useless but talk to them. To be honest the only one the work should stop for is when the kids are sick.


Tania β€’ Mar 7, 2016
Same here...he even does laundry and come home early from work to make me tea and give me medicine lol πŸ’˜


Posted at
My boyfriend and I had H1N2 (I had H1N1 in 09) I ended up being sicker then him, I just got over my secondary infection of bronchitis Him? He had the normal symptoms you would get but omg he acted like he was dying. Me: Ran the household and did everything else and almost got hospilized from running myself ragged. 


Posted at
This has to be what frustrates me most bout my husband. When he is sick he whines n stays in bed or couch n wants to b taken care of. When I'm sick I still workout go to work and take care of kids n clean. All while feeling like crap. Idk y they r such babies n lack the drive on gene but they do and makes me want to slap them or shake them to wake them up n say ur not dying get up. We women r so much stronger. That's for sure. Glad ur mom was there to help.


JNRC🌻🌈 β€’ Apr 20, 2016
exactly omg