Do I call


So I have a 3 yr old to an ex of mine whome I broke up with before I found out I was pregnant. Anyway, he was not a part of the pregnancy and asked me for a paternity test etc which we did and he was confirmed as my childs father. Still, he decided to not be apart of my sons life, he has never even met him. He once asked for a photo via email and thats it. Now normally I try to keep the peace between my ex and I when I have to email him about something to do with our son, I only contact if he has to sign something etc etc however curiosity got the better of me as to if my exs family knew about my son specifically his mother so I sent an email and asked him, he said that apparently his family do know and are respecting his decision and then he wrote to me that he preferred if any contact with his family went through him. Which leads me to believe that he didn't ever tell him and they don't know and that he's just trying to make it so that they don't find out, he is nearly 30 and so I think this is ridiculous, my son has a right to know his fathers side of the family and I have all of mothers contact details etc and could very easily call her to verify whether or not she really does know, so should I? She lives in another state but I still think she might like to know she has a grandson!

What do you think?

Sorry this was long

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