Crazy uncontrollable emotions

🌺 Amanda • 29 years old, pregnant with #2. Married for 2.5 years with a 2.5 yr old and 2 dogs. Life is good 👍🏻
Hey everybody! I'm hoping everyone can make me feel less crazy! I have been SO emotional lately! Last Friday my partner made me so mad I wanted to hit him!! Instead, I punched the refrigerator (something I have NEVER EVER DONE)!!! Of course I felt extremely stupid and have been suffering the consequences of a bruised fist (difficulty writing, lifting objects, gripping items). I feel SO stupid!!! I told all my co-workers my hand got slammed in a door (I haven't shared my news yet). Last night, my emotions hit red again, and I went for a drive to cool off instead. Has anybody else done uncharacteristic things since their emotions have been going haywire??