Pregnant Dope headed friend.

My SO and I went to a bonfire at one of my friend's house about a month ago and they invited a few old highschool friends.. one of them being a girl on meth. The girl told me she was pregnant i said "well you probably shouldnt be on dope, drinking, or anything at all because it will hurt your baby or cause you to miscarry." she got mad and said "im just kidding im not pregnant." my best friend asked that girl if she wanted to walk with her to go pee. That girl told my best friend she was pregnant and my best friend told her the same thing i did... The girl got mad and turned up the bottle and said "atleast it'll go down with a good time" -one month later she FINALLY goes to the doctor the doctor tells her shes pregnant and at high risk for a miscarriage and she NOW wants to stop doing meth. If any of you ladies pray please pray for this girl because she obviously does not care about this growing baby inside her and how it will affect its life.