Going crazy with all the things I have to buy!

I am a first time mom and the first to be pregnant among my friends, cousins, and sisters. I am feeling so overwhelmed and becoming obsessed about all the products that I have to buy!! I have literally spent over 12 straight hours researching cloth diapers! There is way too much information and so many options! And thats how it was for every decision on each product that we had to buy. I lost count of how many strollers I pushed around in baby stores and how many reviews I read on co-sleepers! Not to count the many youtube birth videos that I watched just to try to make up my mind about which birthpool I wanted to buy! I feel like I am going crazy and maybe becoming a bit of a shopaholic 😝
I am sure I am not the only one, but it feels so lonely trying to learn everything and then deciding on my own. Seems like in the end I just settle for any product out of exhaustion...