Went in for my last prenatal appt 38wks 2 days and ended up to where I can say "HE'S HERE!!!"

Went in on yesterday morning to my last prenatal appt. and to get myself prepared for my scheduled csection which was set for next Tuesday March 15th 2016. All went well until having to go to my last sonogram appt. to check my baby weight with the gestational diabetes I had and also I had reported how his fetal movements were decreasing somewhat Doctor noticed how my baby had ran out of amniotic fluid there were only 2 very small pockets of fluid and more of his umbilical cord.....long story short I delivered via C-section my son Baby Shamond @ 3:22pm yesterday 3-8-16 weighing 7lbs 8oz / 19.25 inches 💙👶👣💙 im so in love you guys and he and I both are doing great!!!!