I think my self worth rant was misunderstood

This wasn't about judgement at all. And I apologize to anyone who took it that way. I wasn't talking about the women writing of how their SO is a jerk, or women writing about their current argument. It was directed to the women whose men are continuous cheaters and abusers physical, mental, emotional what have you. I've watched my mother get with guy after guy who dominated her, abused her and repeatedly cheated on her. Time and again she found some way to excuse his behavior. My sister as well has fallen into that path. All I'm saying is ladies...LOVE yourself enough to know you deserve better! Once is a mistake and we all make mistakes. But any time after that is taking advantage of your love for him. Don't allow him to come back home after the next time. He doesn't deserve you. And no matter how much you love him you can't make him love you. If your reason for staying is kids, I urge you don't. Because your kids will learn that behavior as well and go on with the cycle. I know it's easier said than done. But you have to find it within yourself. Know your self worth. Love yourself.