Baby elijah is born! 38weeks 6days

03/09/16 at 00:24; 6lbs 10oz
03/08/16 of 0200 I felt cramping pains for an hour when i peed it stopped, at 12pm i dropped my mom to work and bought my fave pastries, i did threadmill for 30minutes at home at 13:30pm; at 1700 I was about to do 10mins exercise, all i did was just the squatting for 10seconds then i felt an intense cramps then i bleed, called my doctor and advised me to be checked at L&D, at 1830 upon arriving im 4cm dilated 90%effaced, baby at 0 station, I got epidural around 1900, it really helped alot, at 2100 Im 9.5cm but my water hasnt broke yet, at 2345 they asked me if im ready to push, I said I am and then after more than 30mins baby is out! So amazing!