So I met this guy off tinder and he's so absolutely perfect for me me. He's funny, and sweet and, cares about his family,  IS A DOCTOR, and super charismatic. Well the first time we end up meeting I have sex with him bc I'm already so head over heals for this guy. I spend the night and the next day he takes me home and it's not awkward or anything, it all feels really good. So I tell him I really wanna see him again and he was like same, we'll do this again soon:) so we've talked a little here and there since then but I haven't seen him in about 3 weeks and I don't want to seem clingy or annoying if I keep texting him. Also I'm extremely scared of rejection so I don't wanna ask him, I want him to engage in me first but he's just not. I don't know what to do. SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEE