My son was born in 2/17/16 at 6:18pm

My son was born in 2/17/16 at 6:18pm. 
I started having contractions that were painful enough to wake me up at 3:30am that morning. I started timing then around 5:15am when I noticed they weren't really stopping. All day I just rested and waited around to see if they would get bad enough to go in. Around 3:00pm my husband, David decided we should go in so I can be checked out. He works midnights and said he would feel better if I got checked out before he had to go in. When they got my hooked up to the monitors and went to check me the nurse was very shocked to find one was 5cm! She said she was going to call my midwife in. I swear she was there within 20 minutes. She went to break my water and I was already 7-8cm and he was at station 0. She told me that I may not get my epidural in time and that freaked me out. After what seemed like at least half an hour of waiting the epidural was being placed which seemed to take a long time too. Once it was in I laid back down and it was time to push! After 40 minutes of pushing Jameson was here 8lbs 5oz, 20 inches long. He literally came a little over 2 hours of getting to the hospital.