What's going on?


I was hoping I could get people's thoughts/experiences...

Ttc1. Currently in cycle 3. The first two cycles I ovulated on cycle day 20. But I got a bit obsessive about it all and decided I didn't want to pee on ovulation sticks all the time and just have regular sex and see what happens for cycle 3.

Que cycle 3. I've taken my temp pretty much everyday and thought I'll pee on the ovulation sticks from day 16, as I thought it was a given I'd ovulate on our around day 20.

On day 9, purely from my temps, fertility friend thought I'd ovulated. It then changed its mind later on in the cycle.

Today is cycle day 23. No sign of ovulation. In fact the line has gotten lighter the later it is.

I've just been to the toilet and I'm spotting. A bit like the start of my period. My cycles are usually 31 days going from the last 3 months. I came off the pill mid December.

Could this be AF really early, or implantation bleeding? We only had sex on cycle day 8 and 17. I did a pregnancy test on cycle day 21 due to wanting to throw up and dry heaving. It was negative. Here is my chart is it helps, thanks for reading x