Ass hole?

Hey every one I'm new here its my first day trying to get advise for a friend . alright so my friend is having an issue with her friends I'll call my friend Sally and her friend Lilly. So back story is my friend's mother in law passed away back in February now Lilly is Sally's best friend. Sally needed her best friend at the time Lilly wasn't there for her she didn't go to her mother in laws wake . so now comes the story. Last Friday Lilly's father passed away. Now Sally asked Lilly how she was Evan called her up to sew if she's doing OK. Now Sally was planing on going to pay her respects and go to the wake on the 2nd night do to the fact the only showing she was able to make was on the 2nd night. That morning Sally had mild pain due to cramps. She brushed it off went to work brought her a change of cloths to go. During the day the pain got worse by the time her work day ended Sally was in a lot of pain she went to a emergency clinic and was there for a few hours missed the wake and found out she has an ovarian cyst . now Lilly is all pissed at Sally she even took her off face book and every thing now . when Lilly didn't Evan bother to show up to Sally's mother in laws wake yes Sally as mad but she didn't go this far.... So I guess my question is . is Sally a bad person or is Lilly an ass hole for acting this way when she did the same thing to Sally ? What would you ? What should I say? I'm stuck in the middle of this and I don't wanna be