I feel stuck

Does anyone feel like their stuck? I was a 20yr old going to college, having fun, & then I got pregnant. I've been with my SO for 4 years but I feel like he's honestly a pos now & getting pregnant made me realize that. I don't regret not getting an abortion but I do feel like it would've been a lot easier than dealing with my cheating baby daddy. I'm no longer in love and I want so desperately for my son to know what it's like to have both his parents together since I never got to experience that.
I want to leave him so so bad but I feel horrible that my son is going to suffer. I'm in my 3rd trimester & at this point I couldn't imagine not having my son but I wish I could have him without his dad. I've never been so disgusted by someone's actions & morals, I want to take my son & move states but again, I feel so bad that he wouldn't have his dad. I feel lost & confused 😔