Not giving up but considering foster...

Lorena • Married since 11-30-13. TTC since May. Baby dust, please!
I don't want to give up TTC, and I know there are many other women who have been trying longer than me (6months), but my husband and I are looking into foster care. We are only 24 and in CA the age is 25+, so it will be a few months to even start the process and we are trying to buy a house as well. I just feel like I might be compensating because I'm scared we won't have kids. Even though I 100% believe foster kids need good homes and love. I was made to be a mom. I have been taking care of kids since I was 8yrs old. My whole life has revolved around kids. Elem. Ed major, preschool teacher, head Sunday School teacher for the last 4yrs... I'm just so heart broken that it's taking so long for us. Does anyone feel the same way?