Rant😡 Need to be heard

I had an appointment on Tuesday with the midwives & I was describing how lately I've been out of breath a lot more to where my inhaler isn't working quite as well. I wasn't wanting to be prescribed anything just wanted to know if it could possibly be the fact that my baby is still up towards my lungs. Well she prescribed me one of those inhalers they have on tv for uncontrolled asthma. Up until I got pregnant my asthma has been decently controlled. Well when I picked the prescription up I was reading the papers that come with it. It states that your doctor should talk to you about risk that it causes and some benefits it has when pregnant. She didn't neither. She just told me here I'm prescribing this once a day starting today. All the risk I've read are just horrible. As well as it says before use have your doctor show you how to use it to make sure you are using it properly. I'm just upset with her for not even talking to me about it or anything. Well they prescribed me heartburn medicine but the pharmacy took a while getting the prescription so by the time I did receive it I didn't need it anymore so the other midwives told me not to take it. But this one keeps telling me to take them. I'm not a huge fan of taking any medicine while pregnant besides my prenatal & inhaler. So if I don't need it I won't take it. But this midwife never fully listens to me and just thinks because I'm 19 that I should be talked down to. She's the same one who I saw when I was sick my first trimester and said it was just allergies to take zertec which I was and it wasn't clearing up. Well I called the on call nurse that following Sunday and she said to go in to the ER turns out I had sinusitis and if I would've waited any longer I would've needed nasal surgery. I've stated how I don't want to have to see her but they're short on midwives and I prefer the rest of the midwives because they explain and listen it's just that particular one. Not to mention I'm dilated 1cm and she didn't care to check and see if I was dilated anymore. I just needed a good rant because I'm already know when I go in Tuesday next week if I don't have my son by then they'll ask why I haven't taken it and all that and honestly I don't know what to say besides I don't feel safe using it.Â