Baby Lucca was born via natural, no pain meds and VBAC

Baby Lucca was born via natural, no pain meds and VBAC!! Early labor began 3/8 at 4am. Consistent mild contractions every 5 mins. Only 1cm. Fast forward to 3/9, awoken with intense contractions. At 2 am my water broke mid contraction. I was 3cm when I reached the hospital. My contractions were 2 mins apart and very intense. At 530 am I was just DONE and asked about pain meds. At this point I didn't know I was complete (I had requested to not have any cervix exams through out labor) and to everyone's surprise I had just gotten through transitional contractions... My midwife barely made it in time for pushing. She thought i definitely had a couple more hours. 20 minutes later, my baby girl was in my arms and she is everything I have ever prayed for!