Breast Feeding!

Kelly • Boymama of 3 💙
Hey there ladies! 
I am due with #2 in January. With my first I did my best to BF but just couldn't produce a lot of milk and ended up having to supplement with formula most of the time. 
This time around I have been experiencing producing colostrum since about week 18 (28 weeks now). I remembering producing this early on with my first too but not as much as I am now. 
My question is that I really hope that the 2ndtime around I will be able to produce more milk and be able to BF exclusively. 
Do any of you know how to increase milk? With my 1st, I tried pumping often, which only lead to about getting 2oz all together :-( I made sure I was eating properly and getting more than enough water. 
I just would love to have more of an abundance of milk supply this time around! 
Any ideas?