Baby sleep

My breastfed baby pretty much only sleeps when she is fed. My mom takes care of her during the day and made me feel badly this morning before I left for work. She said she had been researching and mentioned that baby shouldn't be relying on my milk to sleep. I agree to an extent, but I have researched too and I find information that supports my approach and information that doesn't. My instincts says it is fine, but I am conflicted. My husband doesn't know what is best either. How would we go about changing this pattern? I have tried putting her down drowsy but awake and she struggles. She can do it with a pacifier sometimes. I want her to learn good sleeping habits but I don't want to cry it out. We tried putting her down the other night awake and she cried so hard for about five minutes and by the time I came in she had worked herself into a sweat and had tears streaming down her face. I hated it and felt like crying too. Help... please!