What helped you the most to lose weight?

In the last 10+ years, I have had my fair share of successes and failures when it comes to losing weight. I've done it the healthy way (eating healthier and working out), and the stupid way (dieting or depriving myself). Both worked, but obviously the healthy way felt much much better in the end. But I still yoyo-ed back hard after stopping. I just have such a hard time staying consistent. And I hate myself every time I give up after 3-4 weeks of being "good". 
The weird thing is, I KNOW what I need to be doing... but I can't seem to whip myself into that motivated mindset again. I am eating so so so much (no, not pregnant) and now lead a very sedentary lifestyle. What I want to ask you guys is, what helped tip you over into that "LET'S DO THIS" mindset? A sudden urge to start running? Emptying your junk food cabinet into the trash? Please help, I feel like a beach whale. 

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