New outlook

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
I am now 2+ days after having my D&C - I have been through hell the past 2 months (as I'm sure many of you fit this category as well) I had 6 sonos and 10+ blood draws, 3 doctors opinions, and tremendous stress in 7 weeks of pregnancy, leading to 1 miscarriage, 1 emergency D&C surgery, 1 cat scan for lung blood clots, and a hell of a lot of adverse symptoms of anesthesia and upper body pain from the breathing tube in surgery. My body is finally ridding of the anesthesia so I'm feeling better and attempting to go back to work..
Some want to start ttc right away, but I was told to wait 3 cycles to get back to normal and decrease the odds of this happening again - and I am completely fine with that. 
I am starting BeachBody fitness next week, since I've seen what kind of toll this pregnancy stuff can take on your body physically and mentally.. I'm not out of shape by any means but I'm going to be healthier than ever when I'm ready to ttc again. I'm 30, 31 in August, and moving on with me in order to let God do His thing on His time. I'm going to uplift all mommies that have gone through loss bc before this I just never knew.. Couldn't imagine. I want to give hope to those who feel lost after mc - you're found, and you're right where you need to be to pick yourself up and make YOU a stronger you. Make a hobby a priority or start a new project, go back to school - nothing is set in stone. But life is too short to bide time hoping. Show your new spirit to the world and let them know you're stronger than you thought. Girl power, ladies. My heart is with you all and I pray so hard you're able to find a silver lining somewhere - or find serenity and let God show you. 💕