Haven't posted forever, but I'm back. (Rant)

So I haven't posted probably for about 5 months but I'm back. Ugh. I need A LOT of baby dust and some positive encouragement, because I am losing my mind. So about July of 2015 we started trying for our rainbow baby, and literally right before we started trying my period went all out of wack. So my periods were just not coming. I called my dr, got hormone testing done and found out I had low progesterone and I was not ovulating. My dr told me he thinks that happen because of weight gain. So now, every month for 5 months I have been taking progesterone pills to get my periods to come. My dr thought that would kick start everything, but it didn't. My dr said my periods were not coming due to me not ovulating. So now we are on the next step..Clomid. I finish my last pill tonight and I just pray that this will be the answer and that my ovaries will start ovulating. My dr said to wait 3 days after first pill to start opks. I am trying not to stress but it is hard. My daughter was so easy to conceive. Pregnant after 2 months of trying and now I'm struggling. My Dr isn't concerned about us to much though because we have already got pregnant natural so he thinks this will work but did warn me it can take up to 3 months. So here I am..I pray this works. Sorry for so long but I needed to get it out lol.