lots to update on

okay, so at my last appt with my ob, I had my blood drawn as part of the normal routine, for them to run the normal tests (I don't do extra ones that insurance doesn't cover). and they discovered antigens. i got a call from the nurse telling me this and that my dr wanted to send me to a specialist to make sure they wouldn't attack the baby... that's all I got from her so I was freaking out!
I saw the specialist and she said, at some point, my body developed antigens to sonething called JKA and that as of my blood test, the antigens were at a ratio of 1 red blood cell to 2 antigens. she said that's practically nothing, I have nothing to worry about, but I'll need to be monitored every 4 weeks via blood test and ultrasound.
worst-case scenario would be that the ratio of antigens increased to 1 blood cell to 32 antigens, at which point the baby would require intra-uterine blood transfusions. they'd only do that up to 32 weeks. if after that, they determined the baby needed another transfusions, I'd have to go ahead and deliver. but doctor is confident that I would not get to this level. she thinks I'll only need to be monitored as a precautionary measure.
all that to say, I had an ultrasound at 14 wks 4 days, which is really too early for a difinitive gender, but she looked anyway. I'm not announcing anything until after the 20-week anatomy scan, but I thought I'd just say to you ladies that the tech's best guess at this point is GIRL! I'm not gonna accept this as fact since it's so early, but I'd love for our daughter to have a baby sister :) but of course either is perfect :)
thought I'd add a picture 😊