Sweet relief!

A few months back I posted about having issues with my boss discriminating against me being pregnant and such. Well lately he decided to express that I would be "worthless" in a few weeks because I have to take time off to give birth and also that he refuses to give me the full time position because he doesn't want me to be eligible for maternity leave. WELL, last week we got a new district manager... A female! She just happened to ask me about work issues and needless to say I lost my mind to her and the assistant manager also gave her a piece of his mind. Well, today I finally got the revenge that I've so desperately looked forward to! Our district manager ripped the store manager a new A-hole twice and threw a fit about me being treated like shit because I was pregnant! Needless to say, my store manager was sweeter than pie to me today. I couldn't help but laugh way harder than necessary. It feels so nice to have his boss on my side! So grateful for getting a DM who actually cares 😁👏🏼