Looking for input!

AF was due 3/12. I have a 32 day cycle. I didn't have my usual (very severe) PMS symptoms this cycle. I only had tender breasts a few days before AF was due. It's now 3/15, I have no signs of AF, and I've had several BFNs at this point. I had positive OPKs on 2/24 and 3/4. I only did the second one because I've read that they can be used to detect HCG in smaller amounts than can be detected by early pregnancy tests. Is it possible that I ovulated twice? Or didn't ovulate the first time so my body tried again? I'll be seeing my doctor on Monday, but I just wanted to get some input from my fellow TTC'ers!
​(I stopped using FF for anything but temp charting. I prefer Glow for everything else, but I find FF charting easier to read!)