Contraception options

I need to figure out another method of birth control. I'm getting my mirena out tomoro but I'm at a loss for what to replace it with. I can't use progesterone based contraception and I can't use paraguard due to an allergy. I'm not sure if there's even any other option besides condoms (DF won't use them) and abstinence. DFs only suggestion was he get the snip and freeze sperm to do <a href="">ivf</a> when we're ready for more but to me that's ridiculous. If we def didn't want more I'd say go for it (vasectomy part not the sperm freezing) but I know I want another next year so it's a very expensive and time-consuming option just to delay pregnancy by 6 months or so...

Any suggestions on non progesterone birth control other than those I've stated?