
I'm so sad. My ex boyfriend and I of 2 years broke up about 2 weeks ago. We've broken up before but it was never really a serious breakup and we'd be back together in a matter of days. Some days I'm fine. But then others it feels like the world is crashing around me. I have alot of personal issues going on right now. And I'm slipping back into a deep pit of depression. I have no friends, no job, and now I don't have him either. Im so alone. We talked a little bit today but he is happier now and ready to move on. And I feel so pathetic and worthless because I miss him so much while it doesn't seem like he misses me at all. I don't know how to move on and i feel like I never will. I've been crying for days and I don't know how to stop or make myself feel better :( someone please help.!