Idk what to call this anymore

When I was 13 I had sat down on the bus and I was in the far back all by myself. One of the boys in my grade came by me and started saying "Hey we're friends right?" I had had a crush on him in the past and I was happy he was finally talking to me so I nodded... But then he asked if I'd let him touch me. I just kinda froze and said "I don't know.." He sat down and started touching me and he did it a few times after that. 
I don't know what to call this because...I feel like it was my fault. I'd liked him for a while, I thought "hey be thankful someone likes you enough to touch you", but now when I think about it I realize how wrong it was. How I should've said no flat out. How it's my fault because if I had yelled someone would've came and stopped it. I still blame myself for it...