
Jade • Mommy x2 Violet💜 Finn💚
A couple nights ago I found out that a friend of mine from high school was murdered by his girlfriend. He was 19... I don't understand how things like this happen. I mean I do, but I don't. He didn't deserve to go like that. Knowing that she left him for dead and didn't even try to help him. It makes it a thousand time worse to know he was by himself. I feel guilty. I know I couldn't have changed anything. And I can't undo what's already been done. But to know that I even let myself get too busy with work to spend more time with him. And I feel even more guilty because just two weeks before this he reached out to me and was wanting to hangout. Hell if I'd of responded maybe I could've talked him out of getting back together. Just maybe it wouldn't have happened. (Just wishful thinking) I loved him. Not in love with him. But I loved him with all my heart. He took care of me in high school and made sure I was okay. He truely was an amazing friend. And so forgiving. He was full of life and put a smile on everyones face. If anything I just wish I could hug him one last time and tell him I'm sorry.