D&C and period


I got my first period on September 29th 2014 after a D&C on August 19.is it possible for the next period to be off or should they be normal again???
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I had a miscarrage on August 17. I did not have a d&c but I did have to take Cytotec twice. My AF also came back on September 29 and I'm still currently waiting on the next. My doctor says it's pretty normal to be irregular for a while. 


Melissa • Oct 31, 2014
Thank you I got it just a little bit ago


Posted at
I'm on my third cycle since my d&c and I still haven't had a "normal" cycle. The last two have been 31-35day cycles and very light and normally I have 28day cycles.My dr said it can take anywhere from 1-3 cycles to get normal again.


Melissa • Oct 30, 2014
Thank you I was just wondering if it would be the same 28 days for me. This will only be my second cycle.


Posted at
Should be normal again, but if wait a cycle or 2 before ttc again :)


✨sav ✨ • Oct 30, 2014
Yeah it should be :)


Melissa • Oct 30, 2014
So if I got my period last month it should be normal again