More from (Vaginal "cleansing")

Nouvelle ♡ • 24 • West African • Here to prevent babies • In love

Why is it that so many girls are raised to think that their vaginas [and surrounding area] are dirty, disgusting, mysterious secrets? 

It’s absurd. 

Then as adults they’re taught [sold] the various ways in which they can “cleanse" or “detox” their vaginas. 

So, let’s take a few minutes to go through them, and don’t worry, I’ll interject my own thoughts as we move along. 

Douching - Whenever I hear of douching I always think to myself, “Do women still do this?!”. And yes, yes they do. Douching is where you take water, either in a bag or bottle, and spray it up into your vagina. There are combinations of vinegar, antiseptics and fragrances to "freshen up" your v-tunnel, whether it be from odor, left over menstrual blood, to avoid STD’s and pregnancy.

Firstly, does anyone research anything for themselves? A quick Google search is all it takes to learn that this is a bad, bad idea.

Douching increases the risk of infections, pregnancy complications and having a sad, Sahara desert dry vagina. 

It messes up the delicate balance of vaginal flora, which is the good bacteria necessary in your vagina. 

Your vagina is a self-cleaning power house, and you should leave it to do its work. If you do have an infection, significant odor change or discharge - go see your doctor for crying out loud. 

Vaginal Soap - a specially formulated liquid soap that is supposed to be used externally to help maintain your vagina’s pH levels, whether that be from periods or semen. 

But surprise, surprise, OB/GYN’s say you don’t need them, and I agree. Your vagina self balances it’s acidity to adapt to that pesky blood or sperm. 

Medicated washes MAY be necessary if you have an actual infection, but you should only be getting those prescribed from a doctor. 

I used to use this for a few years, but then I learned that all you need to do is splash you lady bits with a little water and use your fingers to clean it. 

Vaginal Deodorant - After you’ve douched the inside and pH soaped the outside, you can then take it one step further with scented vaginal suppositories, a spray and even vagina mints [just in case your man doesn’t like going down on you].

Ok, girls, listen up. Your vagina is supposed to have a certain “vaginal” odor. It’s normal and healthy. Quit trying to make your vaginas smell like a chemical garden. You’re doing more harm than good. 

Detox Herb Balls - This is what sparked the fire of “I have to write that article!” Apparently there are these little “tea bags” for sale to detox your vagina. You take this little bag [usually they recommend three at a time], filled with various herbs, and shove it up in your vagina for three days. 

Have you ever forgotten something in your vagina for a few days? I hope not. I can only imagine the havoc this would have on your lady machine. Not to mention what would come out when you finally removed it after three days. 

I will repeat it, your vagina is a self-cleaning organ. You need to let it breath and clean itself out. Imagine shoving tampons up your nose when you have a sinus infection and just leaving them for three days. Bad idea. 

V-Steams -They’re essentially a facial for your vulva. Certain spas offer them, and there are DIY versions for you to perform at home. You take herbs, boil them in water and then sit over this concoction for 45 minutes with a towel draped over you and the bowl so the steam goes straight to your hoo-hah. 

Once again, you don’t need this. But this is the only one on this list that I’m remotely OK with. They spout plenty of “benefits” of v-steaming, but I see it as something that would purely be just for relaxation, like sitting in a bubble bath or having heated seats. 

If all of that wasn't enough for you, here’s more info:

According to a review in Clinical Medicine Insights: Women’s Health, half of all yeast infections are caused from the chemicals in creams, soaps, lubes, spermicide, condoms, hygiene products, and dyes. 

Waxing and shaving removes the layer of skin that protects your vulva, which opens it up to be more sensitive to chemicals and bacteria. 

Final thoughts - Leave your vagina alone. It’s a power house and can take care of itself. All you need is a little splash of water and swipe between the lips to keep her healthy and happy.